Get Results with our Trainers!
Whether you are looking for performance enhancement, to gain muscle, lose fat, or to improve your quality of life, our Queensland Kettlebells' trainers are well equipped to help you do it safely and efficiently.
For first rate results train with our first rate instructors!
Piers Kwan
SFG Level 2 Certified Instructor
CK-FMS (Certified Kettlebell-Functional Movement Specialist 2012)
Precision Nutrition Level 1 Coach
Primal Move Fundamentals Certified Instructor
Cert IV Personal Trainer
Piers was certified as a hardstyle kettlebell instructor in 2010. He has trained under Pavel Tsatsouline, initially through RKC and now with SFG (StrongFirst Girya). He has trained with Gray Cook and Brett Jones whilst earning his other certifications.
Piers works with people of all walks of life. His clients include office workers, labourers, other personal trainers, and athletes of all standards, including national representatives.
Piers is a science teacher by trade and loves the research and study that is an integral part to being the best strength and movement instructor possible. He is always learning and studying the best ways to help each of his clients, enabling him to offer a truly individualised approach to help you reach your goals.
The StrongFirst Advantage
"Pavel has reverse-engineered what the strongest do naturally"
Louie Simmons on the Strongfirst System
StrongFirst is a system of training that was designed by Pavel Tsatsouline during his time as a fitness instructor in the Russian Special Forces. It is a system that has been refined utilising the input of a variety of masters from a diverse range of disciplines that has created a way of training superior to anything else currently on the market. It is a system of strength that prioritises movement quality, health, and performance over things like "feeling the burn" and the endless pursuit of fatigue...
Strength is the master quality
Every aspect of life is sustained by strength. If you are strong, anything is achievable. If you want to run faster, jump higher, live better, feel better, or become lean, being strong will help.
Strength is a skill
Training should be approached with the goal of being stronger in a year, not just in the next week. The StrongFirst system approaches training as practice rather than just working out. Strength, endurance, and other qualities are skills. Technical mastery of these skills must be the foundation for the achievement of healthy, long-term, useful strength.
"Safety is... a part of, not the opposite of, performance" Rob Lawrence
The StrongFirst system of training is a system that promotes health. People's health issues should diminish with training, and the StrongFirst system is designed to encourage this to happen. Various studies have suggested that different hardstyle exercises can have a range of positive effects upon people's systems that improve their quality of life, including reduced or eliminated backpain, improved exercise performance, and a superior energy consumption to almost any other (and perhaps every other!) exercise tool currently on the market.